PSHE Topics
List of PSHE Topics
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This presentation is suitable for Years 5 and 6. It uses ‘Body part’ puppets to explain what happens to the whole body when alcohol is consumed.
The children will learn what happens to the brain, stomach, mouth, legs, liver, and stomach when too much alcohol is consumed. The presentation challenges the young people to think about the choice they all have in living a healthy lifestyle.
Duration: Approx. 25 minutes
We have two different versions of this presentation which tells the story of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. It helps children to understand the concept of growing up and moving on. One version of the presentation is to help year 2 children to feel confident with the transition from year 2 to year 3 (moving on to Junior School). The other version is for Year R and Year 1 as they prepare to move to different classes in the new school year.
This is a popular presentation for schools in June and July months.
Duration: Approx. 25 minutes
The ‘Anger’ presentation helps children to understand and deal with angry feelings. It follows a story of a boy who has a lot of anger and gets himself in all sorts of situations because of his anger. Through the presentation, the boy learns of positive ways that can help him deal with his anger.
This presentation helps children to understand that it is ‘ok’ to feel angry but it is not ‘ok’ to take their anger out on others and that they must learn ways of how to deal with their anger.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation deals with bereavement in a sensitive way through drama and explores the stages of grief. It encourages the children to talk to someone they trust about how they are feeling and suggests ways in how they can deal with their anger when someone close to them has died. The puppets also talk about creating a memory box for their loved ones.
We strongly recommend that some ‘follow up’ time in class is made after this presentation giving an opportunity for any children to ‘talk’ in more detail to their teacher, if needed.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
For KS2: Our Bullying presentation uses puppet drama and music to put over the theme in a thought provoking and challenging way. The children are encouraged to identify themselves with one or more of the characters and think about how they should act if they were in that position. At the end of the presentation, KS2 children are given small cards that they can keep in their pocket or school bag which helps
them to remember how we can all play a part in putting a stop to bullying for good.
For KS1: Our Bullying presentation for KS1 children is similar to the presentation we offer for KS2 however the emphasis is on ‘Teasing’ rather than ‘Bullying’.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
The Cyber-Bullying Presentation is suitable for KS2 children. Including drama and music, it teaches children to be kind online. It also teaches them that whatever is put online stays online forever. It follows a story of a couple of children who are using mobile phones to film each other. The clip is sent to another child who decides to pass it on to others and so the online bullying commences. Throughout the
presentation, the children are encouraged to think about how they would feel and teaches the children what to do if they find that they themselves are being bullied online.
Duration: Approx. 30 Minutes
This presentation tells a story of a girl whose parents decide to get divorced. It explores the girl’s feelings and emotions, throughout the presentation we see the girl become much happier when she understands that it is not her fault that her parents have separated. A song about Divorce concludes the presentation.
We strongly recommend that some ‘follow up’ time in class is made after this presentation giving an opportunity for any children to ‘talk’ in more detail to their teacher, if needed.
Duration: Approx.20 minutes
Our Drugs presentation is aimed at Year 6 and is a hard-hitting presentation. We introduce this presentation by talking about how there are good and bad drugs, explaining the difference. During the puppet presentation, the young people are challenged to think about peer pressure, the consequences of taking drugs and are encouraged to make the right choices in their lives. Several drugs are described
throughout the presentation explaining what each one does to the body.
We strongly recommend that some ‘follow up’ time in class is made after this presentation giving an opportunity for any children to ‘talk’ in more detail to their teacher, if needed.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for KS1 and explores fear of the dark but also covers other fears and how to deal with them. This presentation uses black light for some effects so ideally needs a dark room or hall to perform in so the lights can be turned out. Merle the Mule, Henry and Henrietta Frogs end the presentation with a song about conquering fears.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for KS1 and includes a double act between a fireman and a firedog inside a fire engine. Although this presentation is entertaining, it teaches the children some important fire safety facts. This presentation includes 2 songs by puppets which teach the children fire safety rules and the second song includes actions for the children to join in with.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
The Friendships presentation is for years R, 1, 2 and 3 and is especially popular at the start of a new academic year although we take bookings all year round.
Some lamb puppets introduce the friendships theme before the children follow a school day in the life of a puppet called Katie. With the help of Scruff and Rover (dog puppets) she learns how she should treat others in order to help her make friends. The presentation ends with an interactive song where the children are taught actions to join in with.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for Year R, 1 and Pre-schools.
Little Miss Muffett learns the importance of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. A spider, a doctor, an orange, and broccoli puppet all help her to learn this. In our last song, the children are asked to identify the different fruits and vegetables that have appeared as giant balloons.
Duration: Approx.20 minutes
Our ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ presentation is suitable for both KS1 and KS2 and explores the importance of eating healthily and having exercise. With catchy music it follows a story of a boy who spends a lot of time on the couch watching TV or playing on his Xbox. He doesn’t see the importance of living a healthy lifestyle until he starts to try some new foods and starts going out for exercise. He then realises that he actually
enjoys it.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is for KS1 children and uses music and animal puppets to help the children learn important rules of keeping safe on the internet. There is a repeated phrase throughout the presentation and the children will be encouraged to join in.
The 3 key points which this presentation covers are:
1. Never tell anyone your personal information
2. Never click on things you are not sure about
3. Never write anything unkind online
Duration: Approx. 30 minutes
The Internet Safety Presentation is suitable for KS2 children. It includes drama and music and teaches Internet Safety rules to help children keep safe online. It follows a story of a boy who has been talking to someone online who he thinks is the same age but happens to be a man. This is a thought-provoking presentation which we suggest should be followed up in class afterwards.
*We are planning to update this presentation soon to bring it up to date with modern technology and so to be more relevant to the children.
Duration: Approx. 40 Minutes
The Jealousy presentation helps children to understand this emotion and helps them to deal with the feelings we all get when we are jealous of something. Jealousy is a difficult emotion to explain so the presentation gives examples of situations where a person may be jealous of someone or something and uses bird puppets to help tell the story.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is aimed at years 6, 7 and 8. It is a very thought-provoking presentation challenging young people to seriously think before carrying a knife. The puppet drama explores the consequences of carrying a knife and what could happen. An emotional song of a teenage girl sitting next to a gravestone of a friend who was involved in a knife attack challenges the young people.
We strongly recommend that some ‘follow up’ time in class is made after this presentation giving an opportunity for any young people to ‘talk’ in more detail to their teacher, if needed.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for Years R, 1, 2 and 3 and helps children understand that we all must play our part in looking after the world we live in. It teaches the children about putting their rubbish in a bin or if there are no bins to take it home with them. It also teaches the children the 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This is an interactive presentation as the children are encouraged to join in with the songs and actions.
Duration: Approx. 25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for KS1 and KS2. It includes a humorous story of a boy who could not stop lying and the more he lied the more he got himself into tricky situations. The presentation includes an adaptation of ‘the boy who cried wolf’. An entertaining presentation with a good message backed up by 2 puppet songs.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
Spike and Blaze, two Road Safety hedgehogs, meet Jaz, a young girl, and teach her how to cross the road safely. They introduce her to the lollipop lady and Lolly, the talking Lollipop, who also help her with important road safety rules. This presentation is a great way of helping KS1 children to keep safe when out and about.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for years R, 1, 2 and 3 and is an adaptation of the story of ‘The ugly duckling’. The story is set on a farmyard and the farm animals are being unkind to the duckling. The children are encouraged to think about how the ugly duckling must have felt being called names and being treated unkindly by the other animals. Once the ugly duckling starts believing in himself, he turns into a beautiful
swan. There are several songs in this presentation and the children are taught to believe in themselves as they too are beautiful.
Duration: Approx.30 minutes
This presentation is suitable for KS2 children. Part of the presentation is done in black light using a cigarette and a mouth puppet so a room or hall with black out blinds would be ideal. It explores the dangers of smoking and peer pressure.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for years R, 1, 2, 3,4.
It includes music and drama and teaches the stranger danger rules. It teaches the children what to do if a stranger approaches them and how to keep safe. The first song is sung by policemen puppets.
Duration: Approx. 25 minutes
This presentation is suitable for KS2. It tells a story of a boy who bottles all his feelings up and takes it out on others. During the presentation, he learns that it is important to talk about his problems to someone he can trust. Our camels star in one of the songs in this presentation and one of the puppeteers gives an illustration to the children afterwards to reinforce the message.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation is ‘Rollercoaster’ themed to help the children understand the ‘up’s’ and ‘downs’ of their feelings and emotions. It helps the children understand how to take good care of their minds and bodies so they can cope better when the difficult times come in their lives and how talking to people about their feelings and emotions is good. We use music and drama allowing the children to identify themselves within the characters
Duration: Approx.25 minutes
This presentation includes drama and music and helps Junior age children learn how to look after themselves mentally and emotionally using puppet characters they can relate to. During the presentation, the audience learns how important it is to talk about their feelings and who they can talk to.
Duration: Approx.25 minutes